Tuesday, December 16, 2014



  1. Xbox One

    The new Xbox One is so amazing! The Xbox has a new slim, clean, sleek look. So does the new controller and Kinect. When you buy the new Xbox One it comes with head phones too! I got it one month ago and it all works great. You can play alone or with friends, it’s fun both ways!
    Another reason you should get this amazing new Xbox is because above 60% of people have it in the United States. They have it because there are at less 20 games out for it and many more to come! I have four games for it and they all work great. They also give you a one year warranty if the game you get happens to break. There are many variety of games for the Xbox so you will definitely find one you will like. I know I did.
    I am one of the 60% of people that have this amazing Xbox. The reason that 60% of people have this is because it’s a total beast! It is expensive though. The price is $399.00 with the Kinect. I don’t want you to change your mind just because of the price. If the 60% of the United States still got it, there is no reason that you shouldn’t.
    This new Xbox also has amazing new graphics that make the games even better! People love this so much that the 647 people that rated the Xbox One rated it 4 stars. If 647 people love it, you will to! There is no reason that you shouldn’t get the Xbox One.
    The game Fifa 15 is a realistic soccer game that I have. When I am on the soccer field I feel like I’m really there. Even when it rains its realistic, the stomping of the cleat on the wet felid, the pop of the ball hitting the cleats, it’s just all so real.
    The Kinect is another reason you should get it. The Kinect can sign you in just by seeing you in the room! The fact that the Kinect can do this blows my mind. Technology in this small rectangle is so amazing. The Kinect can also hear you and do things for you on your Xbox One just by you saying, “Xbox.”
    Now do you see why the new Xbox One is a total beast! This is why 60% of the United States have one, why don’t you? Its amazing graphics and its outstanding look and Kinect. I am so happy that I have this Xbox, it is just so amazing you just have to buy it! I hope that I have help you decide that you should get an Xbox One.

  2. Xbox One review

    The Xbox One is the new and the best gaming system. On The Xbox One, the newest Microsoft gaming console they made, it has many new aspects and designs to the console. May 21, 2013 was the release date of the original Xbox One then later the designs were made for the console. Some of the new designs are the Advanced warfare (the newest call of duty made) also the Assassins creed design. There are not too many considering the system is relatively new. The Gaming console was released at the price of five hundred dollars so much money that not many people bought it right away. Later the price of the system dropped about one hundred to one hundred and fifty dollars. The Xbox Ones are getting bought all over for Christmas gifts.

    There Xbox One is the newest gaming system and updated system or gaming. Many people are switching to the one from the 360. It’s much easier to operate. There are many upgrades in the one. They did not take many designs from the 360 its really all new designs, like the dashboard is a totally new design.

    There are many reason why, for example the new dashboard like I said before. There’s a new controller. It comes with a Kinect mic. It comes with many accessories that are very expensive but sometimes when you get it in a bundle with all the stuff, it adds up, but if you were to buy it separate it would be more expensive.

    The system still has hackers all over the place but it’s minimal because they’re watching the system more than the old system so there are more hackers on the Xbox 360 now. It’s a very nice system since its clean of glitches and a minimal amount of hackers so it’s just more fun than dealing with the old system with all the hacks, glitches and all the people who boot people off line (hit off line is the same thing as boot off line).

    There are many things people like about this system. They have a competition and that is the PS4. Many people are saying that the PS4 is way better than the Xbox one, but it honestly has to do with what you started playing. It’s a great system (the PS4) but I think the Xbox One is better.

    The Xbox One has a feature when in the middle of a game you can go to the dashboard. When you go the dashboard it doesn’t reset your game progress. You can go to the dashboard to check something at any time
    You can transfer all your data and accounts from the 360 to the One. You can get all your progress from any game. I don’t think many people would get it if you can’t get all your data and your account you’ve playing on for however long you have.

    The system is the most advanced gaming system with the PS4. I think it’s a great console. It’s got new features many. Microsoft the creator has added many things that many people find easier to use.


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