Tuesday, December 16, 2014



  1. “Easy, Breezy, Beautiful.”
    “Easy, Breezy, Beautiful.” Has been the Covergirl motto for many years for foundations, and other facial makeups. As a person who has used foundation many times I agree with the reasons to use this product. My main point is on foundation, foundation is actually a very helpful thing. It hides blemishes or any insecurities that you wouldn’t want to show.
    If you ever think about trying a new foundations, you can go to the closest drugstore like Target, or CVS to get the Covergirl and Olay foundation. Or you can order online, and lastly you can go to any website to order from, but I think the easiest way is going to the store for it, it’s a lot cheaper.
    Covergirl and Olay is a creamy foundation that is for aging skin, wrinkles, or very noticeable blemishes on your face. Olay stands for Olay serum that helps with the smoothness, anti-aging, and redness on the face.
    You should use Covergirl foundation because it leaves your skin smooth, creamy, and a matte finish. A peer of mine told me that she has been through so many foundation because one foundation she was using left her skin a shade of yellow, it didn’t match at all. But Covergirl has so many shades of color foundations that it’s almost impossible to have a wrong match!
    A second reason you should use this product is because it leaves your skin looking flawless day through night. For example when you wake up and put on that fresh bottle of Covergirl and Olay on and go out to spend your day you look great, later on that day your face will look the same as when you first put it on “flawless.”
    Third reason is because you see so many Covergirl commercials with beautiful women like, Ellen DeGeneres, Sophia Vergara, Janell Monae, and Katy Perry. They all have been supporting Covergirl cosmetics even using them, and to this day you see them on red carpets more beautiful than ever, their skin so bright and beautiful.
    Lastly after all these reasons the last one is for you. Covergirl does not only add more natural beauty onto the beauty you already have they make girls who want to feel confident on the outside, hide the things that they don’t want shown, to hear “Wow! What do you use, you look great!” and just to make it look…well “easy, breezy, and beautiful
    “Easy, breezy, beautiful,” has been the motto for many years on Covergirl and they continue to help girls think and feel that way about Covergirl cosmetics. I think people everywhere should recommend using this product.

  2. I see some areas that could be improved...let me know if you would like to fix and repost. One thing I see is a light paragraph with only 2 sentences and the one that starts "Third reason is".

  3. Also upon reading this, because I am interested in the product, you say "when you wake up and put on that fresh bottle of..." it leads me to think you need to use a whole bottle! Yikes!

  4. Also - and I am not picking on you, I am helping you, I see that you missed some punctuation on the second to last paragraph. Did you actually peer edit? And if so, I would not choose that same person again...


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