Thursday, December 18, 2014

Lord of the Rings

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  1. The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring the Movie

    Do you like complex plots? Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring contains a complex plot, which will blow you away! The movie will shroud you in its action and scenery. You will not be disappointed. Director, Peter Jackson, has created a masterpiece to start off the trilogy. Not only does it have lovable characters, but it also has events and action in great scenery. Also, the movie has spectacular effects and graphics. In all, the movie has lovable characters, a great plot, and amazing special effects and scenery.

    The story has lovable characters like Frodo, Gandalf, Aragorn, Gimli, Sam, and Legolas. The movie has humor between the characters as well. Gimli, a dwarf and Legolas, an elf have make jokes between each other. They play games, such as seeing how many kills they can get on the battlefield. Frodo and Sam eventually get separated from the group and they possess the ring. The ring can only be destroyed in Mount Doom, protected by Sauron. Sauron is a dark lord that wants to conquer their world. Aragorn is heir to the throne of Gondor and is a ranger. Gandalf is an old wizard, which everyone likes as a friend, except for his foes. Every major character has a spectacular role to the plot.

    The movie has an interesting and action-packed plot. First, they discover the one ring that Frodo’s uncle, Bilbo has in his possession. Then, Frodo must travel from the Shire to Bree and on the way he meets Pippin and Marry, his friends. He meets Aragorn in Bree. Aragorn takes them to Rivendell, a place where the elves live. On the way they must fight ring wraths, non-living nor dead creatures, which obey lord Sauron. Frodo is almost killed by them, but the elves save him. Then Frodo, Sam, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf, Boromir, Marry, and Pippin are named the fellowship of the ring. Boromir is the son of the steward of Gondor. These complex events are just the introduction to the movie. The rest of the movie’s events also consist of action and interesting encounters between the characters.

    This movie includes many breath-taking special effects too. For example, the Balrog, a fiery demon has great graphics and special effects to it, unlike no other movie. It has flames rousing off of it and big black wings. Also, in all action scene, the battles have dust being kicked up and bodies being knocked in every which way. Other parts of the movie have perfect lighting for the scene. The scenery is also breath-taking. High mountains and thin clouds, great grasslands, and barren wastelands are just some of the spectacular views, and those were just natural features. The man-made features are magnificent too. The stones of the cities glow white and reflect the sun perfectly. The graphics and effects definitely add a nice touch.

    The Lord of the Rings movies and other movies may be similar in good graphics, but The Fellowship of the Ring takes the lead! For example, the Harry Potter trilogy is also top of the charts, but The Fellowship of the Ring is much more popular. I have met people who don’t know what Harry Potter is, but they love the Lord of the Rings. The Lord of the Rings has much more action and scenery than Harry Potter, which makes it more of a hit.

    In whole, the movie is one you can’t miss! It is a hit and is extremely popular. The characters are brilliant, the plot is complex, and the effects and scenery just blow you away. The movie is just the beginning to the trilogy and by this movie, you can tell the trilogy is going to be amazing!


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