Tuesday, December 16, 2014


1 comment:

  1. It’s My Destiny to Play Destiny!

    Did you know that Destiny sold more than 500,000,000 copies in the first 24 hours which is the most successful new gaming franchise launch of all time?! Well, I was one of those customers who purchased it on the PlayStation Store for my PlayStation 3 on September 9th, 2014 which was the release date. It was developed by Bungie Studios and published by Activision. As of November 4th, there has been 9,500,000 players registered!

    This game setting follows being in a very peaceful and technological advancement time period known as the “Golden Age.” Before, humans have spread out and tried to colonize planets in the Solar System which is an event known as “The Collapse.” This was the end of the Golden Age and now there was a point where everything started to become extinct. The only survivors of the event “ The Collapse” were saved by “The Traveler” which is a white sphere. It hovers over the last safe Earth city. Throughout this game, you are trying to revive the traveler while investigating and fighting aliens before humanity gets completely wiped out.

    Bungie Studios also made the famous Halo franchise which was also pretty excellent which a great storyline. Destiny is the first game for their new franchise series. Destiny is supposed to be going on for a 10 year cycle.

    You should play this game if you like online first person shooters and massively multiplayer online games. You can play through all the story missions with your friends as well the raids which are the hardest missions, strikes, nightfalls, and the online mode called Crucible where you battle against your friends or random people across the world. There is a huge variety of missions you choose from overall as you can see.

    Another reason is for the beautiful soundtrack. Their music is very soothing and great. Unlike the Halo franchise where each song is only 2-3 minutes long, the Destiny soundtrack is over 50 minutes long and each song has no time restrictions.

    The game also has an amazing storyline! It has very detailed cutscenes that really tell what the game is about. It is also very interesting how people rely on you to help from getting humanity wiped out.

    Lastly, there is a lot of customization options from choosing the character classes, guns, gear and soooo much more! The classes you can choose from is a warlock, titan, or a hunter which is what I am. The gear and guns are all scaled out which means that you have to be a certain level to use it or equip it.

    Overall, as of right now this is my favorite game to play and there’s still sooo much more to explore! I still haven’t joined any of the faction which are Dead Orbit, Future War Cult, and New Monarchy. I recommend this game to anyone who loves first person shooters.


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