Tuesday, December 16, 2014



  1. Divergent: Better than the Hunger Games?

    I entered the theater with my close friend expecting Divergent to be just another Hunger Games knockoff. The only reason I had left the house to see this movie, instead of binge watching Pretty Little Liars, was because for the last week a friend of ours had raved for the past week claiming Divergent was much better than The Hunger Games. I came out pleasantly surprised. The movie was amazing. All my friend and I did on the car ride home was talk about the movie and look up pictures of hot guys from the movie on our phones. So how could my opinion change in a mere two hours?

    Divergent is a movie based on the best-selling book of the same name by Veronica Roth. In a so called “perfect” future, sixteen year olds are sorted into to five different factions that will determine their job. The factions are Dauntless, the brave, Amity, the peaceful, Candor, the honest, Abnegation, the selfless and Erudite, the intelligent. The teens go through a stimulated test that will determine your faction that best fits their personality. But on some occasions people test positive for more than one faction and these people are called Divergent. Divergents are considered dangerous by society, as they threaten to tip the balance of their society. If a Divergent is discovered than they are killed.

    The movie centers around Beatrice, “Tris”, Prior portrayed by the gorgeous Shailene Woodley. She is an Abnegation born which causes her to be looked down upon by other teens. When she takes her test she tests positive for Dauntless, Erudite and Abnegation. She is told by the tester Tori (Maggie Q) she is Divergent and to keep it a secret. She chooses Dauntless as her faction and embarks on a mission to save other Divergents, along with other Abnegations from a ruthless dictator Jeanie Mathews (Katie Winslet) who will stop at nothing to gain power. On the way she finds strength and bravery in herself and love with her super-hot trainer and mentor, Four played by Theo James.

    Divergent, for some is a boring and totally expected film. In reality it has some unexpected deaths and ends on a cliffhanger leaving the audience on the edge of their seats wondering what will happen next. Tris is also a strong leading lady. What I love is that she goes from the weaker Abnegation that everyone assumes she is, to a strong young lady that can hold her own with some of the older Dauntless. Another thing to be praised in the movie is the relationship of Tris and Four. Throughout the movie they help each other overcome their personal struggles and worst fears. They have their own opinions and beliefs on different things and both are able to help fight unlike in The Twilight Saga where Bella is constantly having to be saved by other males.

    The week after I saw the movie I went to the school library and checked out the first book of the series. The movie ended up sticking mostly to the story and edited out only a few crucial parts. They cut out one cringe worthy scene where a characters eye was stabbed with a butter knife. Other than that and a bunch of scenes of getting tattoos the movie was pretty much stayed to the books story. The story itself is very good. It is about a normal girl going from a weak girl to a strong young woman. It provides a clear positive message to teens that a little perseverance can get you anywhere.

  2. This movie is perfect for anyone who loves the Hunger Games. Don’t listen to any hate you see on the internet, just see it if you think this movie might be your kind of thing. On the way home my friend and I had a debate on if it was in anyway better than The Hunger Games. We loved the suspense, the romance and how none of the characters’ lives ended perfectly. In the end we agreed that it was slightly better than the first Hunger Games movie. But if you’re looking for something to top Catching Fire or Mockingjay then this movie is not as good. The only thing I really has a problem with was the soundtrack which defiantly didn’t blow me away as all The Hunger Games tracks did. Other than that I think it would be an excellent choice for fans of The Giver, Matched, The Hunger Games or any other book in a futuristic world. If you are a fan of the movie you should also read the next two books Insurgent and Allegiant along with seeing the sequel Insurgent which will hit theaters in March 2015.

  3. Divergent: A One of a Kind Movie

    The Divergent movie, directed by Neil Burger and based off of the book Divergent by Veronica Roth, was simply amazing. This PG-13 movie is one of a kind, because this movie, in my opinion, was better than the book. How often do you see that? This movie included wonderful actors like Shaylee Woodley as Tris, Theo James as Four/Tobias, and Ansell Elgort as Caleb. This movie was quite spectacular, considering the book was remarkable as well. The movie was filled with high intensity moments, it was action packed, and it was unlike any other.

    With the high intensity, and all the action, it was quite enjoyable to watch. It made you feel a part of it, like you were living in their situation. Many characters such as Tris, Jeanine Matthews, Eric, and Tobias were all great sources of action and suspense. They are always doing something that make you hold your breath for a second, and always the director knows just what to do to make you drop your jaw in complete shock.

    Many people don’t like the movie as much as the book a lot of times because they didn’t like the interpretation of the book, into the movie. This was different for this movie. The interpretation was spot on. This was exactly like you imagined. Yes, it is true, that some parts were changed. But think about it. Would you rather have a boring part in the book be put into the movie, or have the director change it a little to have it be a little more exciting? For me, I would rather have the exciting part. Wouldn’t you?

    Many say that both the Divergent movie and book were a “rip-offs” of the movie and book the Hunger Games, mainly because of their futuristic settings. These two stories were nothing alike. The only thing they have in common, is the number of books in their series. The Hunger Games was about how the Capitol holds these games to have children fight to the death until one wins, and he or she becomes rich and famous. Divergent on the other hand was about children taking the test to find out which personality they have, and what faction they would fit best in. There are 5 factions; Amity, Candor, Abnegation, Dauntless, and Erudite. If you don’t fit into a category, you are considered Divergent. The entire concept is completely different from the Hunger Games. For me, Divergent was much better overall.

    In my opinion, you should definitely watch this movie. I strongly recommend it to anyone who wants an action packed, and a nail bighting experience. Don’t miss out on this exciting, high intensity, better than the book, one of a kind movie, especially if you have a bit of adventure side to you.


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