Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Sakura Japanese Steakhouse


  1. Sakura Restaurant Review

    Do you like Japanese? Well, Sakura is the perfect kind of Japanese steak house. There are a lot of Sakuras in America but, I went to the one in Germantown by the Rio shopping center. I just went in fact, it was in late September after my sisters’ confirmation, and I wasn’t in the best mood but, it makes me feel good because the setting, food, the price and the people work really hard and are always happy.
    First, let me talk about the food there, OUTSTANDING food! The food is so well done its amazing! Let’s see, we had about 14 people and we got on food in like 15 maybe 10 minutes. Also they cook the food right in front of you. I honestly don’t like a lot of Japanese foods but, the things they cook for you are just right! You get a menu but, not a lot of people order off of it because what they give you is enough. I only ordered one thing and it was teriyaki chicken and I recommend it! It was so good! But you also get a lot of good choices on the menu if you don’t want to eat what they just cook for you. They give you fried veggies, rice, chicken and other things! And the best part is you don’t have to freak out on what you get if you are between choices!

    The setting of Sakura is so nice! Whenever I go in its always clean and so comforting. The worst bathroom I have ever been in was at a rest stop on the road, but compared to this one it was like a new world. I love how they still keep Japanese setting. Like for example the bathrooms they don’t use doors they use curtains that lead into the bathroom! Pushing tables together? Not at Sakura, the tables are big and go all around the stove! Again like I said we had 14 people and we didn’t have to push 2 tables together like other restaurants I have been to with my family. The tables fit a good amount of people and they are set up so I could see everybody. I don’t like when you have to wait for table for a while, we waited for about 10 minutes, but honestly it didn’t matter because the waiting room was nice and couches were really comfortable!

    Have you ever been to a restraint and have had a really bad waiter? Well, go to Sakura the waiters there are the best! Remember how I said they cook in front of you, well, they make jokes about food and what you are doing. They always throw the chicken at you and you have to catch it in your mouth! I never could do it! The people there are good at their job too! When you make a reservation, you get your reservation on time. We called in at 6:30 for a 7:00 reservation and when we got there at 6:50 we were already at our table. The waiters never act like they don’t like their job. I mean in my opinion they love their job!

    The overall experience at Sakura is great! The only negative review I have is that it is a little pricey. Everything else is wonderful! I hope you go to Sakura in your life time, it is the best! Also it is a good family restaurant. Don’t forget keep your eye on that chicken when he throws it at you! Make sure you catch it, sometimes it’s hot.

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