Tuesday, December 16, 2014


1 comment:

  1. PlayStation 4 review

    The ps4 is gaming system created in 2013 and was released at the end of 2013. This gaming system is a whole new gaming experience. I’ve had a ps3 and ps2 and I have enjoyed both of those, but the ps4 is on a whole new level.

    I think the ps4 is wonderful, the graphics are great and it’s easy to use. Although I did have some trouble at first when I first got it, but a few days of using it I got the hang of it. When I first played it I noticed how realistic it looked.

    You can also talk to your friends while playing different games. The chat party is easy to set up and easy to use in fact within 10 minutes of using my ps4 I made a party chat with my friends.

    The gaming system is made by Sony. Sony is a great company they make all types of electronics including, speakers, computers, gps’s, video games, cameras and more!

    I do find it frustrating that you have to buy a PlayStation plus card to play online with your friends. You can still talk with them without PlayStation plus but you cannot play with them. PlayStation plus is a way to pay for online it also give you free games for having it. But without PlayStation plus you can still chat with your friends. The PlayStation 4 comes with a 30 day free trial for PlayStation plus. The PlayStation plus card is reasonably priced and if you don’t want to buy a PlayStation plus card you can use a credit card.

    The ps4 dual shock controller comes with a touch pad for many different uses and a built in camera for pictures, and you can also video while you are playing. I find that this is very nice and it helps you connect with your friends, you can also face time each other.

    The whole game system including two games cost $400.00. And without the games it cost $400.00. The system also comes with a small mic to talk to your friends. You can use and ear plugs to talk your friends. Overall the ps4 is a great gaming system. I think Sony made a great product.

    Overall I give this gaming system a 9 out of ten, because I did have some error problems but they went away and I do not like how you have to use PlayStation plus to play online. The previous gaming system (ps3) the online was free.


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