Tuesday, December 16, 2014


1 comment:

  1. Interstellar
    Do you ever wonder about space? Do you ever wonder what will happen when earth can’t support life? Well, Interstellar brings all these thoughts to your brain. My parents took me to see the movie Interstellar on Friday November 28, 2014 at the Germantown Regal Movie Theater. The movie cost $12.00, it is two hours long, and is rated PG-13. The movie, still in theaters, is written by Kim Thorn and I thought that he made a fantastic movie.

    Interstellar is a movie based on space and the many mysteries that our universe has. The movie Interstellar is a great movie with many surprises and suspense moments. For example, in the movie many facts are found out about the “plan A” and “plan B” that will leave you in shock. There are many times that this happens, but that just makes you want to keep watching and not look away.

    The main actor in the movie is Matthew McConaughey who plays Cooper. The other actors that play the astronauts in the movie are Anne Hathaway, as Brand and Wes Bently, as Doyle. I thought they were amazing actors and actresses, and I felt they played their parts as best as they could. The movie is emotional (or at least for me) and just a very well put together film. Another actress that played a really big role in the movie is, Jessica Chastain, as Copper’s daughter, Murph. She really ties the whole movie together. She kind of tethered both worlds (Cooper’s life and adventure and Murph’s life and adventure) together and made the movie really interesting.

    Interstellar is a Sci-Fi and adventure film. It is an adventure film, because the movie has Cooper in space exploring for new planets so that the human race will not go extinct. It is also a Sci-Fi movie because it is bending space and time. You will be confused if you don’t watch the whole movie. If you are not into adventure and Sci-Fi movies then Interstellar is not for you, but if you love those kind of movies, being in suspense, and questioning everything then Interstellar is a must see.

    It might be a little inappropriate for little kids because of strong language, but it is a good family movie if your kids are teens. Overall, I thought that the movie was a great movie and I would definitely recommend seeing it if you haven’t seen it yet. It is very interesting and suspenseful. It is a fantastic movie to watch and you will definitely enjoy it, I promise.


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