Tuesday, December 16, 2014

If I Stay Book Review

1 comment:

  1. Have you read if I stay, this book is great! The book was very good and it is better book than the fault in my star. If I stay has a very good plot and it have very good cliff hanger at the end.

    The book is about a girl name Mia and the car crush. She is stuck in in between of life and death. She have to decide if she stay with her friends or go with her family. The book shows the past of Mia and relationship with everyone. Mia played the cello and she had a very talented gift.

    The author of If I Stay is Gayle Forman. She have written a sequel of the series is Where She Went. She have written other series that are very great like Sister in Sanity. One of the book were nominated for Carnegle medal.

    The book is a wonderful blend of love and life in the story. Through the whole book it had love from the family and friends and choose to stay with them or go with her parents. Mia how do not want to choose to decide to be here or leave.

    They created a movie for the book. It’s a pretty good movie with Chloe Grace as Mia. The movie takes the story make even better after you read the book. The movie might have little differences from the book but the movie is as great as the book.

    If I Stay is whole better book than the fault in my stars. The story has lot better plot then fault in my star and it has more drama in the story. The ending is very exciting and has cliff hanger at the end. I’m starting to read the sequel of the book and it very great beginning.

    The book is one of my favorite book of all time. The book has a wonderful blend and the author have other great books. I like to finish the second book and tell you about it.


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