Tuesday, December 16, 2014


1 comment:

  1. Panera Bread, the new fast food

    Eating at Panera is an enjoyable experience from the front doors to the comfortable seating, in the quietest corners. It costs two million dollars to open a Panera franchise and you can see every dollar put into the décor and food quality. The large space and relaxing atmosphere creates a great place to have a quiet lunch, work, or eat with friends. But the most important thing about Panera is their healthy, delicious, and quick food.
    At Panera, you can eat in or carry out. Panera is considered fast food, but it feels like a sit down restaurant with quick service. All their food includes fresh ingredients that you can taste in every bite and they offer a wide variety of menu options. Panera is famous for the delicious bread that they make fresh every day at the restaurant and use in almost every menu item. They also offer smoothies made on the spot from real fruit. The menu offers something for everyone, whether you’re a vegetarian, meat lover, and especially a bread lover. With each bite, you taste a new spice tingling your taste buds.
    The soft light and warm fireplace contribute to the relaxing, inviting atmosphere of Panera. The restaurant offers many comfortable secluded booths for eating your meal, as well as more central, large tables. They have floor to ceiling windows that provide lots of natural light and simple light fixtures that provide a soft glow yet keep the room well lit even at night. The table, floors, and bathrooms are always free of litter and trash. The Panera staff keep the franchise exceptionally clean so you never feel like you are putting your food down on a dirty table or sitting in a mess. In Panera, you are able to carry on a conversation without being interrupted by loud music or rude customers. The restaurant’s large space and high ceilings help spread any noise so patrons can carry on a conversation without having to raise their voices or even work on their laptops due to Panera’s free Wi-Fi. Panera also uses soft, natural colors, unlike regular fast food restaurants that use hunger simulating colors to entice you to buy more.
    The friendly and helpful staff contribute to Panera’s wonderful atmosphere. For instance, they can quickly describe what each menu item is made up of and what it tastes like. Secondly, Panera workers are quick to fix a mistake to make the customer happy. But then again, the cashiers rarely get your order wrong. They also have multiple people working to prepare your food at all times, so the wait is not long. The cash registers are never neglected and the food preparers are in constant motion. The staff is also quick to clean up a spill and eager to help you in any way. When you go to order your food, after standing in a non-existent line, you will always be met with a friendly face.
    Panera is also known for its real plates and silverware. So when you sit down at your table, you’re not forced to eat off a paper napkin or burger wrapper. All the utensils are always clean and you never even think about the fact that they were used before. When you have finished your meal, Panera has a super easy, and efficient system of clearing away your dishes. You just drop your garbage into the trash can that is right next to where you put your silverware which is right above where you put your plates. Everything is in the same, convenient spot and is cleared away before things start overflowing like the trash cans in McDonalds.
    From the food to the atmosphere, Panera is complete. They hire friendly, hardworking staff who make and serve delicious food. Everything in the establishment is quality and fresh. There is no time you will be unsatisfied with Panera. Next time you’re going out to eat, choose the obvious, healthy choice, Panera.


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